Rare Diseases, KMSK Knowledge Platform, www.kmsk.ch

Therapies and
complementary offers
Therapies and complementary offers

In Switzerland, there are comprehensive and established support services for children as well as adolescents with special needs.

In addition to general conventional medical therapies and concepts, many families also resort to complementary and alternative approaches and therapies to treat their child's rare disease. There is a wide range of possible treatment options, and it is important to consider which therapies can be recommended for each child individually.

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Important notes

Note 1: Therapies should be prescribed or at least recommended by physicians

Not all of the therapies listed here are suitable for every condition and should be done in consultation with your child's doctor. Please note that so-called complementary and alternative and alternative medicine as well as natural healing methods have risks and side effects and can also cause interactions with existing therapies. Your attending physician will inform you about the suitability of these therapies for your child for your child and can often prescribe therapies so that they are (in the best (in the best case) be financed by the disability or health insurance.

Should a Doctor refuses the therapy you want, it may be advisable to get a second opinion it may be advisable to get a second opinion.

Note 2: Recognition of a birth defect helps in terms of funding for therapies

If your child is suspected of having a birth defect, it may be worthwhile if there is a suspicion that your child has a birth defect, it may be worthwhile to to fight for recognition of this birth defect. For insured persons with a birth defect before their 20th birthday For insured persons with a birth defect before their 20th birthday, the IV covers all medical Necessary to treat the birth defect and finances a large number of therapies to and accordingly finances a large number of therapies for treatment.

Note 3: Naturopathic therapies can also help

The majority of Naturopathy is based on a holistic approach and the treatment of the entire whole organism is in the foreground (not only the impaired organ functions). Many naturopathic treatments use natural means and stimuli to Activation of the self-healing powers, for the restoration of the internal Balance and prevention of diseases. Natural healing methods are used in conventional, complementary and alternative medicine. The advantage is, that they are often simple methods, which you as parents can also learn. Individual You may still know from your childhood: tea, baths and inhalation, Baths and inhalation, compresses, rest and exercise, water treatments, etc. Talk to your child's doctor and the treatment team about possible and useful naturopathic procedures Methods. Be critical when naturopathic methods are played off against conventional Conventional methods (or vice versa), lack of sound training and high costs and high costs are incurred. Naturopathic treatments are basically Complement and not as a substitute for so-called conventional medicine.

Note 4: Supplementary insurance for complementary and alternative medicine is recommended

Ask your health insurance company for information for information about supplementary insurance for naturopathic medicine. Complementary and alternative medicine are widespread and are partly covered by health and are partially covered by health and disability insurance.

Inform about taking out supplementary health insurance early on, as an application is often rejected if you already have a medical condition. And even if no Supplementary insurance has been taken out, inform yourself about possible Cost absorption. Various procedures are sometimes covered by Basic insurance.

Note 5: Also consider rest periods in therapy

Besides all the therapies that many children with special needs go through, it is also very important that children are allowed to simply be children at home and be able to relax, because there is also too much therapy. As with medication, the dose must be right Dose must be right.

Challenge but don't overchallenge is a mnemonic here. "Grass does not grow faster if you pull on it pull on it". The right measure of therapy is a very individual decision and should best be discussed with the therapists treating the patient therapists. In the best case, there is a balanced relationship between school, Kindergarten or early intervention, therapies and leisure time.

Note 6: A diagnosis can be (in)important for the therapy

Basically a diagnosis can be important with regard to the correct treatment, resp. Avoidance of incorrect treatment as well as the assumption of costs by IV and Health insurance. However, one should not wait with the beginning of a therapy, since it is sometimes a long way up to the diagnosis or also not always a diagnosis can be made. The focus here is that your child is picked up where it is in its development and is Development and that it is encouraged and supported. Talk openly with your child's doctors and therapists about your perception of the situation, your wishes and interests of the situation, your wishes and interests.

Important therapies

Medical-therapeutic measures

Pediatric physiotherapy and pediatric occupational therapy are medical-therapeutic measures according to the law. Both therapies require a medical prescription.

If there is a recognized birth defect, the costs are covered by the IV. Otherwise, the therapies are financed by the health insurance (even if, for example, the clarifications of the IV are still ongoing). In addition to treatments in the therapist's office, treatments at the home of the affected family or in the child's familiar environment (domiciliary treatments) are also possible, which can offer great relief. The item "domicile" must be prescribed separately and must be medically justified. If the costs are covered by the IV, an additional valid order is required.

Occupational Therapy

The Occupational therapy is an accompanying therapy and therefore also a guide for other people who work with the affected child. Many elements of occupational therapy are incorporated into the child's everyday life and help to strengthen the child's ability to act strengthen their ability to act. Occupational therapists analyze and evaluate the Situation of the affected person and, together with them, determine the therapy goals and appropriate measures. These can include, for example, learning lost skills, practicing Skills, practicing everyday activities, but also sensory and physical perception Body perception are also trained in the therapy. The goal is to enable affected Children and adolescents to cope better with the activities of their everyday lives. They should be able to participate in society as independently and self-determinedly as possible, in order to society as independently and self-determinedly as possible in order to improve their quality of life. This means that topics such as action planning and strategy development are also central to occupational therapy.


The Physiotherapy is used for the treatment of physical dysfunctions and their their effects on the activities of daily living. In physiotherapy, the patient's Complaints and resources of the patients are determined. Thereupon Physiotherapists determine suitable Treatment goals and measures together with the patients and families. These include, for example, active and active and passive physical exercises according to different concepts, physical Or manual lymphatic drainage. Guidance for families on support options at home is also part of the therapy. This also includes program, which the children and adolescents carry out themselves or with the support Or with the support of the families. The fitting and evaluation of various Aids such as orthoses, corsets, standing devices, walking aids and Wheelchairs are also part of the physiotherapy in cooperation with orthopedic technicians Physiotherapy. The aim is to alleviate complaints by improving physical functional abilities and thus to improve independence in everyday life and the quality of life independence in everyday life and to improve the quality of life.

Pedagogical-therapeutic measures

Speech therapy, remedial early education and psychomotricity are pedagogical-therapeutic measures. Up to kindergarten, these services are financed by the canton of residence; during the school years, the respective school community is responsible for the special educational measures (during the transition, the special educational early education acts as a case manager and coordinates the involved actors). No medical prescription is needed for the therapies to be financed. Rather, a recommendation from the respective special education office is required.

More information can be found on the cantonal websites. Examples:

These therapies are components of the multiprofessional holistic Care of children and adolescents with rare diseases. The methods and techniques of the different therapeutic disciplines are closely intertwined and can and can complement each other. Each therapeutic measure has its own Focus. What they have in common is that they improve the quality of life, contribute to the And promote independence as well as the ability to act ability to act.

Speech therapy

The Speech therapy treats problems in the areas of speech, language, swallowing and voice Voice. The goal of all logopedic-therapeutic interventions is the achievement of the best possible independence in communication and food intake in everyday Food intake in everyday life. a wide range of treatment Treatment methods are used. Exercises to improve the flow of speech or vocalization are used as well as grammar exercises or training in word finding Training in word finding. Aids for aided communication (AAC) are also used if necessary Communication (UK) are used if necessary. In the area of food intake, problems with ingestion, crushing or transport of food and/or fluids (including saliva and fluid transport) Liquid (including transport of saliva and secretion in the oral, pharyngeal or esophageal phase) are treated. Pediatric Dysphagia is when this disorder occurs in an infant, toddler or child Child. Speech therapy is not funded by the IV. The payers are either the health insurance or the Office for Youth and Vocational Guidance (AJB).

Early remedial education (HFE)

In the HFE is about helping children between the ages of 0 and 6 years with a Developmental delays and/or impairments as well as developmental Developmental risk in their family environment. This means that the support is aimed at all children whose development is does not correspond to their age.

The central question is: What does the child need Child to develop cognitively, socially, linguistically and emotionally? to develop cognitively, socially, linguistically and emotionally? Involved and advised in the work with the child are parents in their special educational situation. In the end a good, stimulating relationship between the child and his or her caregivers is the basis for positive development. To support the children and parents, there is also a dialogue between different disciplines. Many of the children in our care need additional therapies and other supportive measures - be it speech therapy, physiotherapy or occupational therapy. The task of the HFE is to the possibility or necessity of such support and help, if it is not yet available if it is not yet available.


Psychomotricity deals with the interrelation of perception, feeling, thinking, moving and behavior. The focus is on the moving body, but psychomotricity always keeps the whole person in mind.


For hearing-impaired children, a significant change in the Change in interaction behavior. This requires time to talk a lot with the child To talk a lot with the child, to repeat attentively the sounds and words that the child To name everything the child sees, experiences, is interested in and feels, feels.

Children with profound hearing loss do not acquire language casually by simply listening, but need this extra time to discover the world together linguistic discovery of the world.

Audio Pedagogy

The goal of audiopedagogy is to ensure the greatest possible greatest possible social participation and independence of children and adolescents with a hearing impairment. This is achieved mainly through counseling and support from the time of diagnosis, definition of compensation for disadvantages in School, training and examination situations and networking of those involved.

Interesting links


Music Therapy

Music therapy is an artistic-creative treatment method Treatment method that uses music in various forms.

Rhythms and sounds are specifically used in a therapeutic process to support communication, perception, and behavior, and to promote health Behavior and to promote health. In addition, patients learn to Patients learn to cope better with stress and emotions.

Tomatis® method

The Tomatis® Method or "Audio-Psycho-Phonology" is a listening therapy, which trains active hearing through certain music and voices trained. It is said to help with many learning disorders and And behavioral disorders, the cause of which are perceptual disturbances of the Hearing are the cause.

The Tomatis® method trains the muscles of the middle ear are trained. The goal is to improve active listening, focused attention, balance and communication Balance and communication.

Interesting links

Information about TOMATIS®

Posture and body perception, musculature

Affolter Model®

The Affolter model is also known as "sensed Interaction Therapy." When the interaction between humans and their environment is limited by perceptual problems, for example due to acquired brain damage Brain damage, then the development of the human being is also conspicuous or disturbed. For example, it is more difficult for the affected person to learn language to learn.

In sensed interaction therapy, the hands and the Body of the affected child are guided by the therapist in everyday situations Everyday situations. This promotes perception, builds up Skills are built up and everyday tasks are practiced.

Successes the therapy is successful, for example, in the case of developmental disorders of speech and motor skills.

Basal stimulation

Basal stimulation according to Prof. Dr. Fröhlich® means to open the Isolation of a person with a severe disability and to communicate with him/her communicate with him/her. For this purpose, basic touch and movements are used and all senses are stimulated. The goal is to enable the person to have experiences which experiences that they cannot have themselves because of their impairment. The basal activities are always individually adapted to the needs of the children and adolescents concerned Children and adolescents. By closely observing their reactions (e.g. breathing, facial expressions), they learn to communicate in a way that is possible for them possible for the affected person. Through the basal stimulations the orientation and body awareness of children and adolescents with special needs are improved. Confidence is built and more Quality of life is created.

Craniosacral therapy

Craniosacral therapy is a form of treatment that uses gentle activates the self-healing mechanisms in the body of the patient and promotes regeneration and promotes regeneration. The craniosacral system influences the development and Functioning of the central nervous system.

Cranium means skull and sacrum is the sacrum. Between them are the meninges of the brain and spinal cord, which contain the cerebrospinal fluid. This fluid nourishes, moves and protects the entire nervous system. It also pulsates rhythmically, which is transmitted to the whole body and can be felt through the connective tissue. Craniosacral therapists can harmonize and support this rhythm support it. Through specific techniques they release blockages, pain, Movement restrictions and tensions.


Delphineoos® is a Dolphin therapy without dolphins. Here, body-warm water is sonicated by ultrasound with dolphin Dolphin frequencies. The children float while being treated with craniosacral therapy. The ultrasound frequencies and sounds alone, which can be perceived through the skin are used in the delphineoos® therapy is used. The effects of the therapy are a deep, physical relaxation, a synchronization of the cerebral hemispheres and the Acceleration of healing processes.

Interesting links

Kosys Ltd

Feldenkrais Method®

The Feldenkrais Method® is a form of treatment that stimulates processes of change and thus can improve posture and the quality of Movements. It is suitable for a wide variety of disorders of the Musculoskeletal system.

Our brain enables us to learn complex movements learn. This ability remains with us throughout our lives. However, our Brain can also learn and store damaging movements and incorrect store them. With the Feldenkrais Method® these are perceived and made conscious made aware. Alternative, healthier movements and postures are tried out and integrated and integrated. This can Pain can be alleviated and the quality of life improved.

First Step Method

The First-Step-Method is a therapy based on a precise observation of the child's Observation of the child's development and starts where developmental steps have Developmental steps have not taken place. This support is of a motor and sensory sensory and is applied in normal everyday life in the parental and home environment Parental and home environment. A therapy block lasts seven days with six hours per day of interaction Day interaction. Such a therapy block is usually repeated 2-3 times a year times a year. The method is especially suitable for children with neurological, motor and communication developmental delays and treats conditions such as brain injuries, autism Brain injuries, autism and epilepsy. The parents are strongly involved, informed and supported in order to promote the development of their child Child's development. The goal of the First Step method is to use a holistic approach to close the gaps in the child's development and to focus on the child's and to focus on the opportunities and potential of the young children concerned.

Galileo Training®

The Galileo is a therapy device which, through vibration a very efficient muscle training. The training plate vibrates alternately activating and contracting the muscles of the right and left sides of the body And left sides of the body are activated and contracted. While standing upright on the plate Plate, the gait is simulated. The muscles in the legs, abdomen and back are strengthened Muscles in the legs, abdomen and back are strengthened, which are otherwise not And skeletal disorders. It also promotes balance and mobilizes joints and nerves. Galileo Training is therefore galileo Training is therefore suitable for people who, due to their disability, have limited limited movement due to their handicap.

Eurythmy therapy

Eurythmy therapy is a movement therapy, which uses gestures, language and music to activate To activate self-healing powers. It is used in mental, psychosomatic and physical and physical illnesses. Every word of speech is transformed in Eurythmy therapy into a movement performed by the whole body. One it is assumed that every movement has a certain effect on the body. With the eurythmy therapy exercises one deals specifically with the respective Disease pattern. The movement sequences are adapted to the condition of the affected Children and adolescents and are also possible while sitting or lying down. Eurythmy therapy strengthens the body and mind, and has a regulating or stimulating effect on the stimulates circulation and breathing. It improves the general mobility balance and coordination.


Hippotherapy is a physiotherapeutic treatment with the help of a horse. The therapy uses the movement of the horse's back, which is transferred to the patient. The patients sit on a trained Horse, which is guided by an experienced horse handler in the gait "step" Horse leader in the gait "step" is led. Hippotherapy is mainly used for people with neurological symptoms and certain diseases of the central Diseases of the central nervous system and diseases of the musculoskeletal system are used. Physiotherapy on a horse helps to improve balance and coordination and coordination can be improved. The musculature is strengthened and tensions are released are released. In addition, hippotherapy has a positive effect on the Psyche.


Kinaesthetics deals with movement competence as one of the central foundations of human life and is based on the experience and perception of one's own movement. The aim is to support movement in a way that saves energy, in order to support and expand the patient's movement possibilities.

Myoreflex therapy

Myoreflex therapy is a holistic form of treatment for functional Form of treatment for functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Through manual Treatment of certain pressure points, a high basic tension in the muscle is relieved in the muscles, thus relieving the joints and soft tissue structures. Multiple Symptoms caused by tension and chronic strain are reduced or disappear are reduced or disappear. Chronic pain, bad posture but also sleep disorders and general restlessness can be treated.


Osteopathy is a medical science in which the musculoskeletal system is Musculoskeletal system is examined and treated with effective manual techniques and treated. Osteopaths view the patient as a unity of body, mind and spirit Body, mind and soul. They assume that the body is able to heal itself. For this to happen, however, all tissues and Tissues and structures must be well-mobile and well-supplied. With their hands, the Therapists feel possible disturbances with the aim of releasing blockages and tissue tensions tissue tensions. In this way, pain and damage to the musculoskeletal system can be treated and relieved be alleviated.

In addition, the self-healing powers of the body are activated are activated.

Pre-linguistic level, speaking, communication

In the case of speech and language disorders in the context of a rare disease, all or individual areas on the pre-linguistic level (breathing level (breathing, sucking, chewing, swallowing), the level of speech (articulation) and/or linguistic Level (vocabulary, grammar, Communication, written language) can be affected to varying degrees. The goal of therapeutic treatments is basic, language-relevant skills in order to promote the acquisition of language and to Language acquisition and to facilitate everyday communication.

Affolter Model®

The Affolter model is also known as "sensed Interaction Therapy." When the interaction between humans and their environment is limited by perceptual problems, for example due to acquired brain damage Brain damage, then the development of the human being is also conspicuous or disturbed. For example, it is more difficult for the affected person to learn language to learn.

In sensed interaction therapy, the hands and the Body of the affected child are guided by the therapist in everyday situations Everyday situations. This promotes perception, builds up Skills are built up and everyday tasks are practiced.

Successes the therapy is successful, for example, in the case of developmental disorders of speech and motor skills.

Basal stimulation

Basal stimulation according to Prof. Dr. Fröhlich® means to open the Isolation of a person with a severe disability and to communicate with him/her communicate with him/her. For this purpose, basic touch and movements are used and all senses are stimulated. The goal is to enable the person to have experiences which experiences that they cannot have themselves because of their impairment. The basal activities are always individually adapted to the needs of the children and adolescents concerned Children and adolescents. By closely observing their reactions (e.g. breathing, facial expressions), they learn to communicate in a way that is possible for them possible for the affected person. Through the basal stimulations the orientation and body awareness of children and adolescents with special needs are improved. Confidence is built and more Quality of life is created.

Castillo Morales® Therapy

The Castillo Morales® therapy helps people with congenital or acquired disease or disabilities manage their daily lives. The therapy focuses on functional disorders of the jaw, face, mouth and throat Throat. It is particularly suitable for affected children with sensorimotor, communicative and orofacial disorders. These are for example people with Eating and swallowing problems, malocclusions of teeth and jaws, paralysis or muscular hypotonia (decreased muscle tone). The goal of Castillo Morales® therapy is to enable the patient to communicate as fully as possible and to Communication and to improve their independence in everyday life. The therapy places particular emphasis on practicing independent eating and drinking with the affected children and also on involving them socially.

Music Therapy

Music therapy is an artistic-creative treatment method, which uses music in all its manifestations Forms of appearance. Rhythms and sounds are used in the used in the therapeutic process to support communication, perception and And behavior and to promote health. In addition, patients learn Patients learn to regulate stress and emotions.

Padovan Method®

The Padovan-Method®, also called "Neurofunctional Reorganization", is a therapy that treats various developmental disorders and acquired Developmental disorders and acquired diseases. One by one, the children learn the movements that they should have acquired as toddlers as toddlers. With the help of various exercises adapted to the Developmental disorders, which focus on the four functions of breathing, sucking Breathing, sucking, chewing and swallowing, new or lost skills are to be learned. These are, for example, physical exercises, Mouth function exercises or eye exercises. This will help to cover some phases of Development, which have been incomplete or not passed through at all, are completed and strengthened. The aim of the Padovan-Method® is, through the work on all the Systems of movement, the senses and the body, to learn and consolidate healthy movement and thereby reduce the symptoms of a developmental or acquired disorder Acquired disorder. The method is recommended, for example, for affected Children with speech disorders, dyslexia, ADHD or neurological diseases neurological diseases.

Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS)

The Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) is a Communication aid for people whose ability to communicate is is limited. It has proven particularly useful for autism spectrum disorders. With the help of cards, people with communication difficulties are enabled to communicate with their with their environment and to recognize the benefits of communication Communication. The goal of PECS is to enable people with autism spectrum disorders to initiate Communication on their own in order to get in contact with their environment environment. As a result, social behavior improves.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication

AAC Communication is used in addition to spoken language and is intended to complement and support it support it. It helps those affected to be better understood and to participate in daily life participate in daily life. Objects, pictures, pictograms, signs and technical aids and technical aids (such as tablets) are part of AAC Communication. All these tools are individually adapted and can be used in combination be applied. AAC Communication can take place, for example, via a talker - a tablet, tablet through which affected children can communicate by pressing certain pictures by pressing certain pictures. Pictures represent words, which, when strung together, can even can even form complete sentences.

In this way, augmentative and alternative communication Acquisition of spoken language. Since communication via spoken language is much faster than with augmentative and alternative communication, a child will always choose to speak speech when it is within his or her capabilities.

Important: Children do not learn AAC on their own on their own. Parents or caregivers take on the role of role modeling AAC. The process of learning can be a long one. Each step forward can have a profound effect on the child and bring them and bring them one step closer to a successful dialogue.

Convulsions, epilepsy

Almost all people with epilepsy are treated with treated with medication. However, there are other therapies that can be used in individual cases Can still be used in individual cases.

First Step Method

The First-Step-Method is a therapy based on a precise observation of the child's Observation of the child's development and starts where developmental steps have Developmental steps have not taken place. This support is of a motor and sensory sensory and is applied in normal everyday life in the parental and home environment Parental and home environment. A therapy block lasts seven days with six hours per day of interaction Day interaction. Such a therapy block is usually repeated 2-3 times a year times a year. The method is especially suitable for children with neurological, motor and communication developmental delays and treats conditions such as brain injuries, autism Brain injuries, autism and epilepsy. The parents are strongly involved, informed and supported in order to promote the development of their child Child's development. The goal of the First Step method is to use a holistic approach to close the gaps in the child's development and to focus on the child's and to focus on the opportunities and potential of the young children concerned.

Therapy Dogs

Therapy dogs are dogs that are trained together with their With their owners to support a medical treatment or therapy or therapy. Especially for children, the contact with a therapy dog can have a positive effect. Stress and fear can be reduced, joy and trust can be promoted. A dog can comfort, encourage, and strengthen self-confidence Strengthen self-confidence and improve physical and psychological deficits. Interaction with a therapy dog can serve as a "door opener" and make therapy easier because it encourages a willingness to open up.

Also in the Epilepsy, trained dogs can detect minimal changes in metabolism or the Metabolism or the smallest signs of a physical abnormality, smell or feel and indicate a seizure Seizure long before it is even perceived or manifests itself.

Eyes and vision

Early support for blind or visually impaired children and young people Children and young people makes it easier for them to get a foothold in life and ensures that they can and ensures that they can find their way in everyday life even with limited or no vision.

Basal stimulation

Basal stimulation according to Prof. Dr. Fröhlich® means to open the Isolation of a person with a severe disability and to communicate with him/her communicate with him/her. For this purpose, basic touch and movements are used and all senses are stimulated. The goal is to enable the person to have experiences which experiences that they cannot have themselves because of their impairment. The basal activities are always individually adapted to the needs of the children and adolescents concerned Children and adolescents. By closely observing their reactions (e.g. breathing, facial expressions), they learn to communicate in a way that is possible for them possible for the affected person. Through the basal stimulations the orientation and body awareness of children and adolescents with special needs are improved. Confidence is built and more Quality of life is created.

Low Vision Therapy

Low vision encompasses visual impairments that cannot be corrected with Glasses, contact lenses, or surgical intervention. Low-vision therapy includes measures to utilize and Optimization of existing vision. The aim is to use targeted visual Visual tasks to initiate the development of the child's vision. Especially that low-vision therapy is started during the development of the child's vision Development of vision. This enables the children to develop improved Develop an improved visual ability.

Food, food intake

Certain rare diseases are associated with special restrictions regarding the And/or the tolerance of certain foodstuffs associated.

The diet of children with a rare disease must therefore be analyzed and approached individually be analyzed and approached individually, even more so than for other children, as the range of the range of impairments is very wide.

Castillo Morales® Therapy

The Castillo Morales® therapy helps people with congenital or acquired disease or disabilities manage their daily lives. The therapy focuses on functional disorders of the jaw, face, mouth and throat Throat. It is particularly suitable for affected children with sensorimotor, communicative and orofacial disorders. These are for example people with Eating and swallowing problems, malocclusions of teeth and jaws, paralysis or muscular hypotonia (decreased muscle tone). The goal of Castillo Morales® therapy is to enable the patient to communicate as fully as possible and to Communication and to improve their independence in everyday life. The therapy places particular emphasis on practicing independent eating and drinking with the affected children and also on involving them socially.

Nutritional counseling and eating therapy

For parents whose children have diabetes or celiac disease, for example, many children's many children's hospitals offer training and counseling. Core of this information is to record permitted/prohibited foods in addition to specific menu plans. In this context, the mediation of the meal should be perceived as a shared experience.

In principle, families should eat together whenever possible and treat meals as a communal and joyful experience as communal and joyful experiences. Depending on their Development, children should help prepare and cook. Eating should be an exciting and enjoyable experience. At the table, everyone should try everything (as long as this is compatible with the disease). In principle, a child must eat a certain food several times until he or she becomes familiar with the taste with the taste. It pays to stick with it - forcing is counterproductive. Depending on the age it also helps to explain to the child why he or she should not eat certain things things.

Animal Assisted Therapy

In animal-assisted therapy, animals are used within a therapeutic context in order to achieve certain objectives through the contact between the Between affected children or adolescents and an animal reach. The animal serves as a help to find an access to people, who would either find it difficult to open up or who would find it difficult to expand their Levels and the relationship with an animal helps them to get involved in a therapy therapy.


Delphineoos® is a Dolphin therapy without dolphins. Here, body-warm water is sonicated by ultrasound with dolphin Dolphin frequencies. The children float while being treated with craniosacral therapy. The ultrasound frequencies and sounds alone, which can be perceived through the skin are used in the delphineoos® therapy is used. The effects of the therapy are a deep, physical relaxation, a synchronization of the cerebral hemispheres and the Acceleration of healing processes.

Interesting links

Kosys Ltd


Hippotherapy is a physiotherapeutic treatment with the help of a horse. The therapy uses the movement of the horse's back, which is transferred to the patient. The patients sit on a trained Horse, which is guided by an experienced horse handler in the gait "step" Horse leader in the gait "step" is led. Hippotherapy is mainly used for people with neurological symptoms and certain diseases of the central Diseases of the central nervous system and diseases of the musculoskeletal system are used. Physiotherapy on a horse helps to improve balance and coordination and coordination can be improved. The musculature is strengthened and tensions are released are released. In addition, hippotherapy has a positive effect on the Psyche.

Therapy Dogs

Therapy dogs are dogs that are trained together with their With their owners to support a medical treatment or therapy or therapy. Especially for children, the contact with a therapy dog can have a positive effect. Stress and fear can be reduced, joy and trust can be promoted. A dog can comfort, encourage, and strengthen self-confidence Strengthen self-confidence and improve physical and psychological deficits. Interaction with a therapy dog can serve as a "door opener" and make therapy easier because it encourages a willingness to open up.

Also in the Epilepsy, trained dogs can detect minimal changes in metabolism or the Metabolism or the smallest signs of a physical abnormality, smell or feel and indicate a seizure Seizure long before it is even perceived or manifests itself.

Interesting technical articles from the KMSK knowledge books "Rare Diseases

1. KMSK Knowledge Book "Rare Diseases - Insights into the Lives of Affected Families"

Manuela van Schewick, trainer at Epidogs: "We do not train, we educate Partners on four legs"

2. KMSK Knowledge Book "Rare Diseases - The Way - Genetics , Everyday Life, Family and Life Planning"

Ida Janigg-Flepp, occupational therapy, Paspels: "As a therapist, you have to be flexible be"

3. KMSK Knowledge Book "Rare Diseases - Therapies for Children and Support for the Family"

Francesca Seegy, Instructor and Representative CH, I, DE, First-Step: "You go into the life of the family and the child"

Uschi Huber, Curative Education Service St. Gallen-Glarus: "Unfortunately, it is not possible to cure, but to strengthen and support!"

Bettina Bernold, children's physiotherapy: "It's about the about the whole family"

Ernst Niemack, Association of Pharmaceutical Companies in Switzerland (vips): "Rapid doubling of basic medical knowledge helps those affected"

Damaris Bucheli, Logopedics Padovan®: "Padovan is not supernatural, but as close to nature as it can be"

Esther Glaus, speech therapy, Heilpädagogisches Zentrum Ausserschwyz (HZA): "Speech therapy - individual advancement of communication"

Ana Holenstein-Wyrsch, Speech and Language Therapy, Heilpädagogische Schule Berne (HPS): "Augmentative and Alternative Communication helps in language acquisition"

Christina Rappold, nutritional counseling diabetes, University Children's Hospital Zurich: "With diabetes and celiac disease, the whole the whole life revolves around nutrition"

Erich Rutz, Pediatric Orthopedics, The Royal Children's Hospital, Australia: "Without orthoses, severe deformation of the feet can Deformation of the feet"

4. KMSK Knowledge Book "Rare Diseases - Psychosocial Challenges for Parents and Siblings"

4. KMSK Knowledge Book "Rare Diseases - Psychosocial Challenges for Parents and Siblings"

5. KMSK Knowledge Book "Rare Diseases - Digital Knowledge Platform for Parents and Professionals"

Marco Camus, Ilgenhalde Foundation:

Interdisciplinary collaboration is crucial for therapeutic success

Simone Kohberg, Kosys Group:

Therapy success with ultrasound frequencies from dolphins

Franziska Spreitler, University Children's Hospital Zurich - Eleonorenstiftung: Children need time to be children!